《over you》李天姿


Once again, I sing for myself and all the selves out there waiting to be found, lit up, and sung about.

Do believe that eventually, the things we learn from solitude will take us to the reunion in the finale of time's own story.

《over you》







The light of the sun 太阳的光

Is brighter when glows over you 照在你身上的时候才最亮

Life seems more fun 我们做逾期的事情

When we do all the things overdue 活着才更有趣

The faster I run 我跑得越快

The more I stand and look past you 越会伫立在比你高的地方眺望比你遥远的东西

Am I too blunt 我是不是太过直白

Anyway you follow through 但你总追得上 接得住

But nothing actually goes over you 但没有什么东西真的能在你之上

No one but you can make me feel more true 没有人比你更能让我觉得真实

Yeah nothing actually goes over you 没有任何东西真的超越你

The stories they tell, hidden in their eyes too 他们把故事讲出 也把故事藏在眼睛里

It’s just you 只有你

I’ve been seeing a pattern 我察觉出了一个规律

That I always fall into a hole 我总掉进坑里

And you can’t really learn 你不太可以学习

To ever get out whole 周全地出去

But you cannot stop 但你也不能放弃

Won’t stop until you reach the top 不能停下直到抵达山顶

I totally forgot 是我完全忘记

That you weren’t born to rot 腐烂并不是你的命运

But nothing actually goes over you 但没有什么东西真的能在你之上

No one but you can make me feel more true 没有人比你更能让我觉得真实

Yeah nothing actually goes over you 没有任何东西真的超越你

The stories they tell, hidden in their eyes too 他们把故事讲出 也把故事藏在眼睛里

It’s just you 只有你

Sorry that I wanted a hug so bad 抱歉我那么渴望一个拥抱

There was no one for me to be mad at 没有一个人是我发怒的对象

What did I have 我有过什么

Whatever I had 我有的什么